Itemiser® 4DX
Explosive Trace Detection Supplies for Itemiser® 4DX
US Testing Equipment is an Official Distributor of Rapiscan Systems OEM Trace Equipment and Consumables
OEM replacement parts for Itemiser® DX sample trap handwand
Please Call 1-888-687-8378 to Order
OEM replacement part for Itemiser® DX sample trap handwand accessory
Please Call 1-888-687-8378 to Order
Kit includes dopants and consumables needed for annual operation of Rapiscan Itemiser® 4DX ETD machine
Please Call 1-888-687-8378 to Order
Kit includes supplies needed for annual operation of Rapiscan Itemiser® 4DX Explosive Trace Detection machine
Please Call 1-888-687-8378 to Order
High Performance Sample Traps for use with Rapiscan Itemiser® 4DX ETD machine
Internal Calibration for use with Rapiscan Itemiser® 4DX ETD machine
Positive Ion Dopant for use with Itemiser® 4DX ETD machine
Pre-saturated isopropyl alcohol wipes for use with all ETD machines including Itemiser® DX
Isopropyl Alcohol Saturated Wipes for use with all ETD machines including Itemiser® DX
Calibration traps for use with Itemiser®, VaporTracer2® and MobileTrace®
Verification traps for use with Itemiser®, VaporTracer2® and MobileTrace®