ASTM X-ray Test Kits
ASTM Security Test Objects & Test Kits for X-Ray
X-ray imaging systems are used throughout the country by domestic and military law enforcement, corrections, and security agencies. These systems are used at international borders, in transportation venues, at government buildings, and other venues. The x-ray systems are used to find concealed objects, including threats and contraband.
The NIST Security Technologies Group (STG) led a recent effort to revise and update the foremost internationally-recognized and accepted imaging performance standard for checkpoint x-ray systems. This documentary standard, known as ASTM F792, “Standard Practice for Evaluating the Imaging Performance of Security X-ray Systems,” is widely used throughout the world to measure the image quality and materials detection capabilities of such systems. The standard was developed in the 1980s and the STG-led 2017 revision was the first major revision for more than 15 years.
The revised standard now incorporates three distinct test objects for different testing scenarios, which greatly improves the applicability and usefulness of the standard that previously relied on a single test object.
We are pleased to be able to offer these three Test Kits along with the ASTM F792-88, ASTM F792-08 Security Step wedge and our exclusive CCSP Test Kit, all essential components of an effective X-ray Security Screening system.
Test kit used in the evaluation of X-ray systems to ensure compliance with TSA X-ray screening practices
ASTM piece for airport X-ray images tests of cabinet X-ray systems
ASTM test piece for use with TSA X-ray test evaluation and verification
ASTM-F792 test kit for evaluation and testing of TSA approved X-ray systems
CCSP threat items for development and testing of TSA approved X-ray screening protocols
ASTM-F792 test kit for evaluation and testing of TSA approved X-ray systems